A little help from our friends
Even a small cinema group like ours incurs regular running costs. As a non-profit, volunteer run community group, we rely on support from our paying audience and from local and national funding schemes. We got started with the help of Cinema For All, the trading name for the British Federation of Film Societies. They gave us some invaluable advice on how to set up as a community cinema, how to book screening licenses, and even discounted kit hire. Since then, we’ve maintained our membership with Cinema for All, and continue to learn from their helpful team.

As well as general support and advice, Cinema for All have also awarded us a number of small financial grants over the years. These have usually been geared towards specific expenses, like marketing and promotion. For larger, ongoing costs, we have been lucky to receive funding awards from a number of other organisations. These funds have gone towards the purchase and upkeep of our screening equipment and supplementing the cost of the screening licenses required to show films to a public audience. We are very grateful to you, our audience members, and to all of our funding supporters.alth of family-oriented film events, mini-festivals, young people’s screenings, and themed, ‘immersive’ extravaganzas to the area.

Community outreach
As part of our chartered remit, we want to help other community organisations operating in and around Prestwich. We offer to freely promote any local groups and events from within our community on our big screen-the ads are screened on rotation before our films each month. If you’re a member of a local group with an event or service you’d like to promote at our screenings, get in touch through our contacts page.